February 25, 2009

Biking in the Backyard

After living in Chinle for 6+ months, I can safely say that my new favorite outdoor activity is mountain biking. I have often used my mountain bike for transportation, but this environment creates an entirely different experience. Roughly 10 miles from where we live there is a rather large outcropping of  sandstone, commonly known as slickrock. 

*Moab, UT the Mountain Biker's Mecca of such terrain is located 200 miles to the North of us. 

This terrain takes the activity of biking to a whole new level, and provides a variety of challenges I have never before encountered. The images that follow chronicle the average trip to, and around the route usually taken. This area is wide open, and your mountain bike can travel over most of what lies before you. Choosing your own adventure is part of the fun, but its also wise to conserve energy over the long haul as there is a lot of rock to climb. The trail we follow has been  developed over the years by other riders  trying to negotiate up, down, and around the canyons and cliff walls that encompass you. It is fairly easy to maintain your bearings, as long as you stay above the deep canyon walls that twist and turn in every conceivable direction. We have only spent a few incredible hours admiring and exploring this local wonder, and look forward to many more in the weeks and months ahead...


The route begins on a dirt road that leads you to the top of the mesa behind the hospital complex. Once you reach the top of the mesa the panoramic views are stunning.  You feel as if you are leaving everything behind...

Old Sheep Corral

The dirt road winds along as wide open spaces speed past. There are a few homes and hogans, but they are certainly far between. In the distance Black Mesa can be seen, a sharp shadow looming on the horizon

Although open-range cattle and  roaming h0rses tend to stick to their fields for grazing, these animals are no strangers to the open road. This equine  beauty watches us with great caution as we roll by.

There is a two-track that marks the beginning of the loop, and where you can park your car. 

Then it is time to get on your bike and go....

Over the handlebars... car parked in the distance


Band of Slickrock

Curved Walls

This is a land of striated rock that hints at its past, sandstone in forms and shapes that makes you think of the sandy ocean floor. 

like being at the beach...without a drop of water

Jillian and Natasha take their own picture

Good Light

Sandstone "Fins" in the distance

After making your way up higher into the slickrock, you reach a new world of sandstone. You pedal over layers of this petrified sand and gaze at the water-worn passages and canyons that surround you...the only sounds heard are the wind whistling and whooshing past your eyes and ears as you focus on the ride...

taking a Pause, catching my breath, and enjoying the views

Swirling Sandstone




Sandstone Pool


And we ride into the sunset, thankful for life and for another day well spent soaking up sunshine and this incredible planet. Peace.


Steve said...

Those are great pictures and the writing is great as well-nice job. Hope we can get out there,soon.

Dylan Dunne said...

Ev-mann. Looks awesome! The mountain biking in northern Mich. just doesn't quite compare. I don't know how I happened upon this lil guy, but it's good to know that all is well cuz! Peace and love.