October 6, 2009

Clover in October


Our new family photo...

A few very busy months have brought us smack dab in the middle of Autumn. While there are few deciduous trees here to provide us with the colors of Autumn, the weather has made it abundantly clear that the balmy days and nights of summer are over. Cold, windy nights and frigid mornings have arrived, and are here to stay.

In the past few months we have been extremely busy with work, and busy with raising our very first puppy. I am a 6th grade classroom teacher at Canyon de Chelly Elementary School, and I have also recently started a school newspaper after school with 15 5th and 6th graders. Jillian is as busy as ever in the Rehab Dept. of the Chinle Hospital. Being a Physical Therapist in this area has given Jillian a new outlook on health care, public health, and who she is as a therapist.

Adding a puppy to our household was a huge decision for Jillian and I to make, but after much deliberation and research we settled on getting a Labradoodle. We then found a small, family labradoodle breeder in Pueblo, CO which breeds smaller litters. This required an application, deposit, and the waiting for the litter to be born.

We waited months, and then the day finally came when we could leave Chinle to go pick up our new family member. We couldn't wait to meet this brown and white, fluffy puppy that resembled a tiny bear cub. Well, she has indeed grown in the past 2 months since we have had her, and she is all at once a wonderful, playful, hilarious, and stubborn dog.

Here are some pictures of the newest addition to the MacDonald-Hammontree Wolfpack.

Her name is Clover and she just might be the greatest puppy of all time.

Here is the first picture we had of her before we picked her up... she is 6 weeks old in this one

Our journey began after work one day, and we hit the road for Pueblo, CO
on a beautiful summer day.

She was amazing during the entire 6-hour drive home...
but she didn't know what to do about her leash.

We were excited to get her home


Mcphee Reservoir, CO